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Image by Marvin Meyer

Unlock A World Of Possibilities

Pentvilla -A new type of housing that goes beyond traditional 


Double-stories Houses - ​Townhouses - Dual Occupancy

Pentvilla -A House Of  Possibilities 

  • A Double-storey House for the whole family (OR)

  • A Double-storey House with separate villas to help pay off your mortgage faster!

  • Get extra funds for bills or a holiday with a Pentvilla double-storey home that can  generate passive income whenever needed.

  • Acquire a residential property portfolio of 1 to 4 homes in the shortest time possible.

  • Start the above on land from 285m2

  • Why settle for less!

It’s time to make your home living experience even more outstanding.

Learn how you can achieve a debt-free status in just 5 years

by choosing Pentvilla

A Home - Investment - or Both


block of land
neat package

Pentvilla offers practical solutions for a lifetime

Pentvilla Unlocks Possibilities

Family in the kitchen

A Pentvilla is basically whatever you would like it to be in the residential Real Estate world without the need to redesign it to suit a lifestyle or market trends.


  • Want a dream home?

    • You got it

  • Want a holiday house with 360-degree views?

    • Done

  • Want a home and investment property?

    • You can have your cake and eat it too!

  • Want a holiday house and two investment properties?

    • Sure, why not?​

  • Want a home with wheelchair access for grandma and carer with separate entry features?​

    • No problem.  Independent living for both​​​

  • Want to eliminate climbing stairs from your garage and living area to the bedrooms?​

    • Sure. All living space, bedrooms & bathrooms on one level​

  • Want any of the above on a small LOT with no subdivides?

    • Why not? on land from 285m2

  • Want the cost to be similar to a traditional double-storey house?

    • You got it. Get​ excited about the endless possibilities


Choose the perfect living space that complements your lifestyle, with no compromises. (click here)

Pentvilla exhibits opulence
To suit a lifestyle

Unlock a world of possibilities with Pentvilla

Surpass your expectations of a traditional Townhouse or dual occupancy.


We are creating innovative ways to re-imagine living space and optimise land to save on stamp duty, subdivide costs and a smaller mortgage to name a few.  


Pentvilla is a distinctive design that offers versatility and customisation.  You may configure your Pentvilla into 1 to 4 exclusive villas with 2 to 6 bedrooms and 1 to 4 bathrooms on a block of land starting from 285 square meters. As a Pentvilla owner, you can choose to rent or sell the entire double-story house or each villa separately.


By leveraging modern technology, Pentvilla homeowners can potentially configure the double-storey house into separate villas, each with its own entrance features and garage, living area, kitchen, dining, laundry, outdoor area and utilities. This ensures privacy and exclusive use for each villa whenever needed.


Resolve the magic number of bedrooms trending in the local area!

Researching the ideal number of bedrooms for your property can be overwhelming. It's difficult to determine if 2, 3, or 4 bedrooms are currently in high demand for rentals or sales in the area, and what if the trend changes in the future?


When it comes to your home, Pentvilla offers a convenient and stress-free experience. With the ability to customise your living space to meet any current or future market trends, you can be sure you're making a smart investment.


Corner Blocks

A Pentvilla can enhance a corner block which are prominent positions within the estate.


Your villas in a Pentvilla can emulate articulation to both the primary and secondary street frontage becoming a feature in the corner streetscape.


Pentvilla's exclusive entry feature to each villa eliminates the issue of a lengthy fence on the secondary street frontage.


Pentvilla's double-storey appearance with its two primary entry features and garage on both the primary and secondary streets, makes the corner home living experience even more outstanding.


A home design that comes with a holiday every year for a lifetime

Explore a fantastic opportunity to expand your property portfolio in a new and innovative way you may have never considered. With a Pentvilla, you have the potential to own a house with several properties with different configurations in it such as:​

  • one 4-bedroom independent villa plus

  • two 2-bedroom independent villas

You have the choice to live in one of your villas while renting or selling the others to suit your needs.


This is an exciting possibility that you may not have previously imagined.  It's an opportunity you won't want to miss!

Spacious Lounge
Retirement Home Bathroom.jpg

Options with a Pentvilla

Live in one

Live off the others

  • Occupy one Villa as your Dream Home – Rent / Sell the others  - learn more

  • Occupy one Villa as your Holiday House – Rent / Sell the others - learn more

to help pay off your mortgage faster!



Live in one

Live with the others

  • Ideal for multigenerational families - learn more

  • Downsizing without moving house - learn more

  • Families with elderly or dependent relatives - learn more

Occupy one Villa and each live independently with the others in a Pentvilla.



Don't Live in

Live off the LOT

  • Don't occupy a Villa - rent/sell your Villas separately in a Pentvilla double-storey house - or

  • Rent / sell your Pentvilla as one double-storey house.

  • A Pentvilla is a portfolio of Villas all in one neat package under one roof on one block of land.


​When considering a double-storey house, why settle for less when you can have more options with a Pentvilla?  The price tag is virtually in line with a traditional double-storey house with similar inclusions and location.


When you select our designs or work with our architects for your unique design, you can be assured of their exclusivity. We take great care to safeguard Pentvilla designs and concepts through intellectual property laws and ensure that a valid construction license is obtained. The exciting news is that your preferred builder can now construct a PENTVILLA tailored to your desires.

Buying a House

Crush Your Mortgage - FASTER!

Double-storey houses are stable investments that can produce strong value growth with high rental yields over time. A Pentvilla double-storey house is no different with additional benefits over other traditional double-stories available today.  Creating multiple exclusive homes within it makes Pentvilla an investment of choice.​

  • Live in one

  • Live off the others

It's a great way to live in your dream home while tenants build equity for you and help pay off your mortgage faster!​


Beats Borrowing: Pentvilla Smart Convertible Home Designs offer a smart way to access the equity in your home without the need for borrowing. It serves as an income generator and debt-free equity release solution, especially during life's unexpected situations.


Comparing townhouses and dual occupancies, choosing Pentvilla can lead to significant savings due to smaller land, reduced stamp duty, and the absence of subdivision costs, to name a few.

Optimise Your Land

If you're searching for a new home and considering a Pentvilla, we've got you covered from individuals, and couples to retirees.


Our modern home designs offer practical solutions that last a lifetime, and property professionals are demonstrating its exponential benefits to homeowners and investors.


We offer you complimentary architectural guidance on the best Pentvilla design options on the land you own or intend to buy. Reach out to us before you finalise your land purchase to discuss the various possibilities for your Pentvilla.


When you have decided on the land and type of Pentvilla that suits your preference, we will gladly provide you with a written quote.  The quote will facilitate the submission of your Pentvilla plans to the local council for approval, We strongly advise against entering into a builder's contract without first obtaining the necessary council approvals from our architects.


There are no lock-in contracts, meaning you are not obliged to construct your Pentvilla with us.  The advantage is that you have complete ownership of your council approvals, drawings, documents, and licenses. You have the option to take the materials with you and select a builder of your preference when you are ready to proceed with the construction of your Pentvilla. This grants you the flexibility to move forward at your own pace!


If you have a preferred builder in mind, we can send all your Pentvilla documentation to them.  Alternatively, we can suggest a licensed and reliable builder for you.


Your builder will discuss inclusions with you and extras that you may require.  Sign a builders contract when you are satisfied and happy to move forward.


We ensure that your Pentvilla is seamlessly managed by a licensed architect, regardless of the builder involved, assuring you a hassle-free experience and complete peace of mind throughout the entire process.

Real Estate


We were surprised at how affordable it was to build a Pentvilla double-storey house.  We have decided to live in the Pentvilla upstairs and rent the Pentvilla downstairs.  Our home and investment property are under one roof, on one block of land, in one neat package.

I would need to sell my existing home to buy an investment property and compromise the space in my new home. Unfortunately, it was just out of my reach, until I heard about Pentvilla home designs. I now have the best of both worlds, a spacious home with two investment properties on the same block which I never would have imagined or thought was possible.

We were looking for a home with a small backyard to maintain.  The only option was a townhouse with upstairs downstairs living.  Our concern was the stairs because of our 2-year old daughter.  The problem was solved when we heard about Pentvilla's all your living on one level - no stairs.






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